Blood Memories book

"Thank you so much for the beautiful reading. I have listened to the recording a number of times, and each time I do, I hear something different, or something else drops a level in my understanding. I was so inspired by your knowledge and clarity that I have signed up to study with you on your philosophy course.” - Fiona C

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How I developed Shakti Rasa Yoga?

Shakti Rasa Yoga and Meditation is NOT yet another new style of yoga. Rather, it is an approach to yoga practice. Powerful asana, pranayama,meditation, visualization and inner stillness form the core of this practice. It is an approach that has developed out of my own practice, a synthesis of what I have learned from various traditions and teachers, along with what has emerged for me on the mat.  

Based upon the classical teachings of Hatha and Ashtanga yoga as found in the ancient scriptures, Shakti Rasa is a direct path. Shakti refers to the primal energy inherent in all things. Spiritual practice begins and ends with shakti. Rasa means taste, flavour, experience. Spiritual practice depends upon rasa for measure and discernment. Through rasa, the voice of inner guru becomes audible.

The Shakti Rasa Sequence has a circular rather than linear structure and can be adapted in many, many different ways to suit different constitutions or times of life. At first, it is important to develop a consistent practice, and Shakti Rasa provides clear structure. But even from the beginning, you will learn how to adapt your practice. Everyone is unique, and I will help you find the personal practice that suits you best, and then to evolve and develop in that practice. There are many different practice loops to follow, which you can alternate, choose or discard as appropriate. The full power of Shakti Rasa can only be experienced in self-practice, so right from the beginning you will be encouraged to practise at home.

What to expect from the Shakti Rasa asana practice?

  • Close attention to breath, which infuses all movement and coordinates with visualization practices to activate the flow of prana
  • Vinyasa krama sequences that integrate natural flow between poses as well as long-holdings for depth and awareness
  • Focused sequencing designed to unlock physical, emotional and energetic blocks in common areas of tension: hips, back and shoulders
  • Kriyas to begin and pranayama to finish, developing in intensity as asana practice deepens
  • Meditation techniques integrated with asana: utilizing dristi, sambhavi and more
  • A sattvic, spiritual quality throughout
  • Balance between challenging and basic poses . . . which all become advanced when the internal practice is maintained

Om shanti - 2011

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From Equinox to Equinox
March 2024
My latest predictions

As 2024 begins, it’s fruitful to recall the Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction of 2020, because it inaugurated a major shift, a turning-point in history, which will come into clarity better with a bit of distance. It was a triple-conjunction occurring at the winter solstice, so extra powerful. The previous triple-conjunction in earth occurred in Virgo in 1980-81, inaugurating the Information Age . . .  Read article on blog