Blood Memories book

"Thank you so much for the beautiful reading. I have listened to the recording a number of times, and each time I do, I hear something different, or something else drops a level in my understanding. I was so inspired by your knowledge and clarity that I have signed up to study with you on your philosophy course.” - Fiona C

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Category Archives: Jyotish

An Energy That Grabs You: For Sophia – June

How do you decide things? Your gut responds with certainty. Emotions surface with compelling force. You recognise patterns from past experiences, in this life or another, and may think all this resides “inside you”. But that is only a particular perspective. There is another more liberating. Everything you identify as you—your body, mind, memory, soul, Read More…

The Myth of Personal Destiny

Do you worry about what you are meant to do with your life? What an absurd question, you might think, especially if you have read deeply in yoga philosophy, particularly the Bhagavad Gita. Undifferentiated consciousness, acting through the ego, leads you to exactly where you are meant to be. All you ever do, as you Read More…

The Chart of Gandhi: Where Love Serves Truth

A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing! True in many areas of life, but particularly true in Jyotish, where you will be astonished by the nuances your chart reveals. The celestial patterns that correspond to the unfolding of time are complex, my friends. Just as one tiny red-hot chilli can transform an entire pot Read More…

The Chart of Adolf Hitler: Not What You Think

Famous (and infamous) people have fascinating astrological charts. Planetary forces line up in such a way to make them strong, for good or for ill. But even though these charts often lack the ambiguity sometimes seen in the charts of ordinary people, they too are not without nuance. Jyotish, which looks deeply at human character, Read More…

Navigating the Nodes

A big shift in the celestial weather happened earlier in January. Have you felt the stirrings of change in your life? I have! It’s hard to say at this point where I’m going. But the ground beneath my feet feels quite unstable, and life as I’ve been used to just might be in for some Read More…

Shadow Time: 20 March 2015

What do you have planned for this Friday, 20 March 2015? You ashtangis out there know it’s a moon day, so no usual practice. But did you know that this is no ordinary moon day? A lot more is going on as well, so pay attention. This kind of synchronicity does not happen often. New Read More…

An Energy That Grabs You

Ever wonder what really is behind the decisions you make? Your gut feeling is strong, but where does it come from? Emotions and memories surface, and you sense their compelling force. You might feel they are coming from inside you, but that is only part of the picture. These forces that you experience have a Read More…

Full Moon in Rohini

Most of us feel some form of expansiveness with the Full Moon. But have you ever observed too how that Full Moon feeling differs from month to month? Every day the Moon moves into a different nakshatra (lunar constellation), and that particular star pattern alters the qualities of the Moon. Moon is impressionable, easily coloured Read More…